Monday, April 17, 2006

Which one, aM I CRaZy or LoCO?

Street Cred:
Its like everything else, most of what makes us famous -- or infamous -- is seldom our own creation.

I am thinking of Rex bikini's recent review of Punk music:
It may be that the best punk music happens when groups are not even trying but that the public is 'a' hongry' for something to keep them distracted. Once these bands try to make good punk, then they wont be able to. (I would like to point out that this conundrum also applies to Indie Rock and Secrets. For Indie, if you know the tunes, then they can no longer be Indie. For Secrets, if you have it, you can't share it; if you share it, you don't have it.)

Our reputation is a canard:
It just develops because other people push it into being. It spreads by its own impetus jumping from mouth to mouth until we forget that the content contained in the comment is perhaps not true.
Or, it may be that our reputation is nothing but each of us quacking, quacking, quacking like an awkward duck.

Either way, canards I says, canards!!!


Blogger Bob Dively said...

It's about exclusivity, or at least the illusion of it.

If you're thought to be cool by a sufficient number of people, you're no longer cool.

My own parable: When I lived in NYC, I used to go to a really cool bar on the Lower East Side. The scene there was just excellent -- lots of really interesting people, a friendly and open environment and so forth. Then, one night standing in the middle of crowd was an obvious former frat boy wearing a backwards baseball hat. An astute friend observed, "Well, this place is over." A couple weeks later the bar was full of obnoxious jackasses getting hammered on Jager and grabbing the waitresses' asses. The former crowd had already moved on to the next place.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Que-ni said...

Well, I remeber being in HS and buying these new Levi Silver tab jeans. Silver Tabs has just arrived to Gainesville and I thought that, even though they are sold at TJ Maxx, i will still be on of the first with the new threads.
I was, not because of the silver tab label (by the time I had my money to buy then, so did everyone else), because my silver tabs had cowhide patches over the pockets and legs. (Now these were EXCLUSIVELY sold at strip mall discount stores)

2:11 PM  
Blogger pughd said...

So Bob, are you saying that I really am cool since nobody thinks I'm cool? Awesome!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Rex said...


10:47 PM  
Blogger Bob Dively said...

Dan, the inverse of my rule is not an operative condition, but regardless, you are still cool.

12:26 PM  
Blogger pughd said...

Fine, screw you too Bob!

3:57 PM  
Blogger pughd said...

Hey Que-ni. I'm sorry I screwed up our schedule for today, I was way confused. We spent the morning pretending to be grown-ups with the mortgage broker. He didn't fall for it, but he's helping anyway.

Anyway, I saw this on the web today and thought of you from an earlier thread -
I hope this makes up for my flightiness a little. Enjoy!

8:05 PM  

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