Do we need a Partial Milk Abortion?
I went to buy milk last night and found out that it now comes in many grades. I saw skim, half, one, one and a half, two, three, and whole milk.
Is something wrong here? As far as I am concerned, I like Napoleon’s attitude:
"Are you drinking one percent cuz you think your fat, or something?"
"Cuz you could drink whole if you wanted to, you know."
What are our taboos and ideas that could validate a market ploy such as this one towards so many types of milk, bacterial soaps, tee shirt colors, mini socks, ankle socks, tube socks and knee highs? More importantly, with so many types of milk, Qui Bono? Perhaps this petty preocupation with milk subtypes, and the hyperbolic prolifertation of consumer choices for products should be slowed down if not reduced substantially.
It's all about shelf frontage for your products. If you have 20 different flavors of cracker, you'll have a lot more room on store shelves than if you just have one flavor of cracker. Correspondingly, the chances that someone will reach for any one of your products goes up the more shelf frontage you have. This one of the reasons that soda companies are constantly coming out with throw-away versions of their products: colorless Coke, blue Coke, coffee-flavored Coke, Wild Cherry Triple Vanilla Lemon Diet Coke, etc.
I can't believe you'd bash mini socks. Every shoe has its own appropriate sock.
So you don't believe in choice in the market place? Is that it? You hate American capitalism? Hrmph!
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